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Devotional: May 19, 2021


Oh, let me sing to God all my life long, sing hymns to my God as long as I live! Oh, let my song please him; I’m so pleased to be singing to God.

Psalm 104: 33-34 The Message

The last line here perfectly summarizes the sentiment at our church last Sunday. Having the choice to wear or not wear a mask changed the tone of the sanctuary, literally, for we could hear voices very clearly as we worshiped and sang. Masks no longer muffled many singers!

The Book of Psalms, the songbook of God’s people, encourages us to praise the Lord in many ways, including with our songs of praise. When many of us think of praising God, we often make the connection of praising him with singing. The actual vocal tone never matters to the Lord. Instead, the worshipper’s intention to praise Him is what the Lord loves to hear.

These verses from Psalm 104 reinforce two important truths about singing to the Lord.

The first and most important truth is that as long as you can breathe, you can praise the Lord. Not everyone feels like they were born with a good singing voice. In addition, the strength of our voice can change and weaken as we age. Thankfully, the Lord is not listening to the tone of our voice, but rather, the tone of our heart. So regardless of your vocal talent or chronological age, by all means, sing to the Lord!

Secondly, singing is mutually pleasing to God and to us. Here, the Psalmist states that he aims to please God with his singing. We should always aim to please the Lord. Singing is just one of the many ways we can do so. Yet the Psalmist, who obviously loves music, is pointing us in towards worshipping the Lord with our music. In a way, the Psalmist is praying that the Lord will find his song to be pleasing and pleasant. Just as most of us enjoy music, no matter the style, so the Lord derives pleasure from the different styles of worship music. The Psalmist enthusiastically states, “I’m so pleased to be singing to God!” I pray that we all have that same enthusiasm when we offer up the Lord our voices of praise.


Holy Lord,

What a privilege it is to know that I am in Your audience of one. Thank you for creating me, and creating my voice. Let me use it to praise You with my words, and my singing. There are times when I am full of joy, and other times when I groan with sadness and grief. Yet no matter what I bring, You will hear me, and be with me. All praise and glory to You, for you are faithful and hear my voice. I pray this prayer in the name of Your son, and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen



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